Blog which highlights the latest happenings in the Tech World from computers to mobile phones.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Nokia to discontinue its gaming cell - Ngage

The favourite gaming cell devised by Nokia - Ngage will be soon out of stores. Nokia is going to discontinue Ngage cell till the year 2007. The reason behind this is that Nokia expected to sell around 6 mn Ngage in 3 years, but could sell only 2 mn pieces. Although after launching the Ngage QD Silver edition sales did not pick up.

Although the Ngage game features would be made available in Nokia's N Series.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Apple covers iPod Nano

Apple's flagship product the iPod Nano was in the news for not so good reasons. With lawsuits filed against Apple Computers from errate users of iPod Nano, Apple has quietly started bundling a cover with its scratch-prone iPod Nano.

Posts made on several iPod fan sites says that the nano now includes a white fabric and plastic slipcover that resembles the one shipping with the new iPod video. More iPod Nano cover photos can be seen here.

Happy Birthday Dear Mr.Firefox

Firefox, the much acclaimed browser from Mozilla Foundation celebrated its one year of existence on November 9, 2005. Reachning another milestone, till date 106.5 mn copies of Firefox has been downloaded.

Firefox enters its second year with numerous changes up its sleeve. The latest release is the Firefox ver. 1.5 test. The final version of this release would be made available very soon.

In the meanwhile, Flock, a blog enable browser based on the Firefox engine is gaining popularity. Long Live Open Source!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Yahoo n Google on Mobile!

Search Engine giant Google Inc. and it's competitor Yahoo! Inc. are expandint content for on mobile phones.

Using Google's software one will be able to search for local businesses, view maps and satellite images on handsets.

According to Gartner Cell phones outsold PC last year by 4 : 1.

Google's software will allow users to search for driving directions and zoom in and out of digital maps. Although this service would be free, but the cell operators might levy charges for the data transfers.